Vapor Abrasive Blast Equipments

No longer is it necessary to put up with the high cost of purchasing, cleaning up and disposing of large volumes of media to achieve quality results in record time.
EcoQuip’s Vapor Abrasive technology gives you an equally powerful blast that works quickly like dry blasting, but requires a fraction of the media and the time required to clean it up. That elaves you with savings in material, labor and disposal cost, which you can turn into profit.

EcoQuip Vapor Abrasive technology differs significantly from dry, slurry and traditional water-based blast methods, EcoQuip employs its own patent-pending GRX Flow Dynamics technology, which optimizes the air, water and media ratio. The result is a fine mist with a blast that is powerful like the dry method, but with up to 92 percent less airborne dust.
Unlike conventional wet blasting, the mist expelled by EcoQuip quickly evaporates. No pools of water left behind. No toxic runoff to worry about. And because EcoQup uses significantly less media than wet blasting, clean up is mnimal.*
The result is a cleaner, better-contained process that currently customers will appreciate and future customers will prefer.